The recent outbreak of violence in Manipur has opened a pandora box of possibilities. In a dynamic and fluidic space...
Sangmuan Hangsing
Why India must create a Separate Administration for the Zo people to gain dominance in Asia
Internet ban in Manipur: Silencing voices and impeding truth
On Tuesday, the Manipur government decided to further extend the ongoing internet ban in the state for the 10th consecutive...
Sangmuan Hangsing
The Sangai festival in Manipur’s southern borderland and the rise of Behiang
Behiang, a remote village along the international border with Myanmar in the state’s Churachandpur district, was declared the “second corridor...
Sangmuan Hangsing
Land, Natural Resources, Environment, and the Zo People
The Zo people are a trans-border community living between India and Myanmar border. The term “Zomi” (also known as “Zo...
Sangmuan Hangsing