Chief Minister N. Biren Singh, announced a significant relief initiative on Wednesday, stating, “A total of Rs 6.138 crore has...
The Borderlens DeskResponding to a request made during the Platinum Jubilee celebration of the Government Secondary School, Balek, Chief Minister Pema Khandu...
The Borderlens DeskChief Minister Pema Khandu, in a recent tweet, unveiled his visit to the ‘The Hump WW2 Museum’ in Pasighat, a...
The Borderlens DeskThe 25th round of boundary talks between Bhutan and China marked a significant step forward in resolving a long-standing dispute...
The Borderlens DeskIn an effort to strengthen operational cooperation between the two nations, the armed forces of India and Malaysia embarked on...
The Borderlens DeskDefence Minister Rajnath Singh embarked on a visit to the forward areas of Arunachal Pradesh, where he interacted with the...
The Borderlens DeskIn the aftermath of the flash floods that inflicted extensive damage on Sikkim, the Indian Army, in collaboration with the...
The Borderlens DeskUnion Defence Minister Rajnath Singh is commencing a two-day tour to Assam and Arunachal Pradesh today, where he plans to...
The Borderlens DeskIndian Railways, in a move to bolster rail connectivity between the Northeast and the rest of the country, unveiled two...
The Borderlens DeskManipur Chief Minister N. Biren Singh shared a comprehensive vision for the development of the Ukhrul district during his visit...
The Borderlens DeskThe 3rd edition of the North East India Festival, a highly significant event facilitating the connection between India’s North East...
The Borderlens DeskThe eleventh edition of the bilateral military exercise, SAMPRITI-XI, conducted between India and Bangladesh, officially concluded on Monday. The exercise,...
The Borderlens Desk