In Manipur, the conflict between the Kuki and Meitei communities has shattered harmony, but a story of hope and resilience...
Jhumur DebThis documentary delves into the human-animal conflict unfolding in Majuli Assam, as encroachment encircles the once serene landscapes, pushing majestic...
The Borderlens DeskThe Manipur government has prolonged the suspension of internet services in Churachandpur district for an additional five days, citing concerns...
The Borderlens DeskAs part of the year-long Golden Jubilee Celebration of the All Manipur Working Journalists’ Union (AMWJU), the Manipur Press Club...
The Borderlens DeskMizoram’s Chief Minister, Lalduhoma, disclosed on Tuesday a mutual agreement with his Assam counterpart, Himanta Biswa Sarma, aimed at quelling...
The Borderlens DeskAs the digital blackout in Manipur persists, the Tangkhul Mayar Ngala Long (TMNL) has extended a warm welcome to the...
The Borderlens DeskIn a recent escalation of violence, the Myanmar military launched an aerial attack on a Chin National Front (CNF) camp...
The Borderlens DeskAt present, Manipur has extensive forest tracts, with over 984 sq km of reserved forests (RF), 3254 sq km of...
Schulu DuoThe American intelligence community on Wednesday told lawmakers that it apprehends increased tension between India and Pakistan and India and...
The Borderlens DeskAt the first meeting of ASEAN foreign ministers in Jakarta on Friday, the conflict in Myanmar was the main topic...
The Borderlens DeskLaborers on the Indian side of the Indo-Nepal border in the Dharchula area of Uttarakhand’s Pithoragarh district were pelted with...
The Borderlens Desk