In a vibrant celebration spanning from December 29 of the previous year to January 7 this year, the annual Druba...
The Borderlens Desk
Border village in Arunachal embraces ancient customs of Memba community at Druba Festival
In a vibrant celebration spanning from December 29 of the previous year to January 7 this year, the annual Druba...
The Borderlens DeskDefence Minister Rajnath Singh embarked on a visit to the forward areas of Arunachal Pradesh, where he interacted with the...
The Borderlens DeskWhile the Assam government set a world record with more than 11,000 people dancing Bihu together last week, a few lines in...
The Borderlens DeskThe annual three-day Shad Suk Mynsiem Festival, also known as ‘The Dance of Peaceful Hearts’, recently concluded on Monday with...
Donboklang WanniangWhen I first made my way towards Basar, the district headquarters of Leparada, also home to the Galo tribe of...
Leegang UnsheenMeghalaya aims to boost its tourism industry by establishing it as a regulated sector of the economy. The state government’s...
The Borderlens Desk