On the night of May 5, a military convoy was involved in a deadly confrontation in Lamka, Manipur, resulting in...
Schulu Duo
Manipur’s story of unrest: Security forces forced to open fire, killing four people in Churachandpur
On the night of May 5, a military convoy was involved in a deadly confrontation in Lamka, Manipur, resulting in...
Schulu DuoThe Bangladesh’s Rapid Action Battalion (RAB), has said that 17 militants of the Jama’atul Ansar Fil Hindal Sharqiya and 3...
The Borderlens DeskApproximately 50 kms from Dhamakhali village in West Bengal’s North 24 Parganas district, deep inside the Sundarbans, a floating border...
The Borderlens DeskKeynote lecture at the launch of The Borderlens at Shillong, on September 19. – Gautam Mukhopadhaya Since the leitmotif of...
Gautam MukhopadhayaOur species has evolved to work together in groups. Interaction with other humans is a necessary part of living. All...
Lian HangluahBipul Chatterjee discusses balancing border security with development needs, aligning with CUTS International's vision and the Act East Asia Policy.
The Borderlens Desk