In a significant development, Matabari ‘Peda’, a milk-based sweet, and the traditional Rignai of Tripura have been granted the Geographical...
The Borderlens Desk
Tripura’s Matabari Peda, Rignai, Assam’s Dhol and Jaapi receive prestigious GI tags
In a significant development, Matabari ‘Peda’, a milk-based sweet, and the traditional Rignai of Tripura have been granted the Geographical...
The Borderlens DeskIn the heart of Nagaland, the month of December is believed to be the liveliest chapter, becoming a celebration for...
Virosanuo SoloIn a significant recognition of the rich cultural heritage and unique products of Arunachal Pradesh, the Yak Churpi, Khamti Rice,...
The Borderlens Desk